Thursday, June 4, 2009

Creating a Compelling Vision

I find this difficult and I believe a lack of it has meant that I've achieved my goals very slowly. I can close my eyes and see things but what I find difficult is to direct them into an ideal vision.

I can write down the ideas, make it attractive to me but the seeing, the feeling, they’re very difficult to repeat. Do other people have the same problem?

My current vision for the end of the year.

I’m diving into tropical water, splash, the cool water washes over my body. I feel the speed of entry into the water, it’s a deep, beautiful blue and full of colorful fish that dart playfully about. I look side to side and a big smile raises on my face.
(What I get when I try to visualize this, is a dark blurry blue, I feel the temperature around me rather than the coolness of the ocean, also, it’s as if I’m looking at another person, it’s not me. And the fish, are few and hazy)

Next, I’m walking uphill. A cool wind takes the heat out of the day. The scent of flowers floats by as do butterflies. The walk uphill is a challenge and it feels great. I can see the top, it far off and I’m really enjoying the walk up to it.

It’s sunrise, I can feel a slight warmth on my back, it’s a new day, the day and I’m excited about what’s ahead of me today. The light behind me, creates a huge shadow in front of me.

A clock ticks and money falls into a box with my name on it. It’s passive earnings, where I do nothing but my money goes up. It’s brings me freedom and happiness, as I know that my traveling isn’t costing me so much.

I've added an extra bit to passive earnings

As I sleep the money goes up, the money goes up, the money goes up, as I sleep the money goes up, up, up, up.

To the tune of Here we go round the mulberry brush. Part of visualization for passive income.

This is coupled with an image of me sleeping, with a smile on my face, we go up with the z,z,z,z, and a clock ticks. As the clock ticks, money falls into my bank account. It’s a beautiful sight and a happy one.

Do other people get clear visions? You know like a video or a movie?

Has your 'vision' sharpen over time?

I would love to hear about your experiences.

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